Saturday, September 29, 2012


About eleven years ago I developed an allergic reaction for wine. Unfortunately I was not able to figure out what kind of wine gives it to me, it could be red, it could be white, could be expansive, could be not so, could be from the big distributor, could be from the small winery. So, I decided it would be safer just not to drink it. I can't say I follow this to the dot, but I am trying.

Fortunately it turned out I do not have any reaction to the stronger liqueurs. I like whiskey, cognac, can't imagine night on the ocean without good rum, but all of them can't really substitute wine. So because of this, and because of curiosity we started to infuse vodka. It turned out to be pretty easy and satisfying process with unlimited possibilities.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Cakes for Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner. So I decided to collect all the items I ever created for this holiday: cupcakes, cakes, rum balls. Ask if you have any questions about how it was done, I promise to answer.